Sunday, September 28, 2008
Strike Freedom Gundam Repaint (Update 01)
Well, my commission for Destiny Gundam didn't go through. What means, now I have time to work on "Strike Freedom Gundam Repaint" YEAH!
Also, I wanted to introduce one Japanese pro modeler's websites. Japanese modelers go far beyond my imagination in working/customizing gunpla models this person will cause some "jaw- dropping reaction"
His name is "Keita" and you can check out his works here
I want to copy (yes! I said it, I WILL COPY) one of his color scheme for Strike Freedom Gundam (Here). It's been done by someone else (yes someone else already copied it LOL) but it’s just too cool not to try it myself.Well, wish me good luck and check me in few days for newly painted SFG!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Strike Freedom Gundam Repaint (Incomplete)
In this post, I will discuss the difference between
1. MG Strike Freedom Gundam (SFG)
2. MG Strike Freedom Gundam Special Version (Special SFG)
Now, one obvious difference is the price (about $20). But nearly 73 bucks for MG gundam??
What is the difference indeed?
I am using photos some from as reference. Plus I took some photos of my own for your viewing pleasure.
First difference is that the Special SFG will come with extra stand so you can do this!
Second difference is the inner frame of Special SFG is gold plated so that you can enjoy the awesome, "anime-like", sparkly gold frame views!!! (well supposely).... but wait a minute..:( ?
Above two runners are the only gold plated runners...... something is wrong here! Let me see..
Here is a front and back frame shots of Special SFG. Notice something?
How about now?
Indicated in red circles above are ALL AREA that are gold plated for the gundam's main frame. Rest of the gold plated runners are used in the wing (I'll talk about that later)

So these are it? Not the whole body frame?.... that's sad.
Due to uneven-ness of gold plated parts, Special SFG present these following gold color schemes..some are gold plated, some are not.... to me that is a deal breaker (These none-gold plated frame color looks the same as the color of runny-poo my dogs create when they are sick! LOL)
Even on the wingframs?!!!! Oh no!!
Legs too (runny, yellow poo!! BOO)
Arms also....
Finally, there are some urgly cut marks (from cutting the gold plated parts from the tree).
Now, enough with the negative talks. What will I do to address this..? Well to me, the answer was "Krylon Spray Paint: Metallic Brilliant Gold" from wal-mart!... If you do this, please make sure that spray paint is safe for the plastic, other wise your gundam WILL FALL APART!
First, I cut out all the runners of SFG (normal version) and secured them on the cardboard using masking tapes (Also, I took the photos below so that I can easily find them later. Also, noticed how yellow these original parts are? Click for the larger photos).
Next, I gave two light coats to cover the parts (Both front and back). When you do this, make sure it is light (I mean "LIGHT" applications, keep them about a foot away from the parts, then just go side to side fast so that there are no dripping of paints on the parts. If you do, some of the frame details will be covered by it) applications.
It turned out vey nicely (This is practically same as airbrushing). Click to view larger pictures.
Here are some frame shots of "SFG: Zebu's Special Version" lol.
1. Gold plated frame
2. Very evenly painted (no irregularity)
3. Gold plated parts are (in my opinion of course) not as bright, but definately not that yellowish ugly poo color of normal SFG.
Sustained from Normal SFG
1. No extra stand to do that cool action shot display.
2. ALL mobility preserved. Paint job did NOT altered the mobility.
*Note: Except for the last photo, I did not change any brightness and/or contrast of the photos so what you see is pretty much what it look under normal desktop lamp light. Click to view larger photos.
Pretty isn't it?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Project Arctic Warfare Zaku: 205 (AWZ: 205) Part 4 of 4
The project Arctic Warfare Zaku: 205 is finally done!
In this project I:
1. Painted the inner frame.
2. Added "battle damaged" and "heavy weathering" effects.
3. Added metal studs on the body and rhinestones for the mono eye of AWZ.
4. Built the diorama base (Scratch build).
Click on the picture to see it larger :)