My next project (1 OCT to 11 OCT) was "ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam". Some asked me if I paint my models every time… well it depends. I do paint my gunpla if I have color scheme in mind. However, I believe it is not necessary to repaint the model kit for repaint sake especially if the original color scheme of model kit is good enough.
Here I’ve worked on "ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam" with partial painting (brush) and detailing to produce very “presentable” display item. Enjoy!
1. ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam normal version from Hobbywave = $52.95
Detail parts
1. Silver plated Jewelry Connection from J.C moore = $2
2. Stainless Steel balls 0.7mm = $5.99
3. Metal Screw Pins = $4.99
4. Gunpla Temple Metal Detail kit ER + SC = $13.95
5. Gunpla Temple Metal Detail Kit T5 = $13.95
Paint and Misc.
1. Testors Enamel: 1180 Steel = $1.99
2. Testors Enamel: 1146 Silver = $1.99
3. Testors Enamel: 1151 Copper = $1.99
4. Testors Enamel: 1144 Gold = $ 1.99
5. Perl EX pigments: 663 Silver = $4.99
6. Hand drill, Super glue, Gunpla Nipper, and other necessary tools
Kit Review
ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam is a great kit. Pictures below from shows straight build of the kit (no paint, sticker/decal, panel line and/or paint) and detail of inner frame.

While I did like the original paint scheme of Destiny Gundam, I did not like the fact that it was very glossy (Miserable fact of most plastic injection kits…. It is plasticky).

1. Draw in ALL PANEL LINES before applying the seal!!!
2. Apply 2-3 light coats rather than one heavy coats of sealer.
*Useful Tip*
Use zip lock bag and place all parts with label. This will save tone of time later (especially when you have to figure out parts for left and right).
Inner Frame Paint/Detailing
Destiny Gundam has very detailed inner frame.*Useful Tip*
Examine the frame thoroughly and make note regarding joints/parts/location that requires special attention when painting (i.e. location where paint would likely cause mobility issues and/or paint that will be scratched away due to joint movements). I used "Dry brush" technique using misture of Testors Enamel: 1180 and Perl EX pigments: 663 Silver.
Here are some detail shots Note how it really gave the "Metal feel".
Next I added additional detail painting using Testors Enamel: 1151 Copper.
Next, I brush painted the Hydraulics located on the ankle with Testors Enamel: 1146 Silver and Testors Enamel: 1144 Gold.
Next, I brush painted the Calf Thruster with red and sliver.
Here are some finished inner frame shots.
I got a pack of “Silver plated Jewelry Connection” from J.C Moore art store. These are about 2mm in diameter and perfect to give metal Thruster look all over gunpla.

Next, I painted the missing details on the wing (Grey and sliver for the wing thrusters).

Next were the wing Hydraulics.

And Wing vent units (I think these are the vent unit....)

Here, I tried something new.
I got a pack of “Silver plated Jewelry Connection” from J.C Moore art store. These are about 2mm in diameter and perfect to give metal Thruster look all over gunpla.
I used Metal Detail Kit T5 from Gunpla Temple (purchased from to upgrade the burner on the Wing Unit.
Next, I painted the missing details on the wing (Grey and sliver for the wing thrusters).
Wing unit painting is done!!!
Now, I added some more detail parts to enhance the look. Here, I used metal screws to give more "mechanical looks"
Here, I tried something new.
I drilled some holes on the part above the Wing Burners to give some "Gundam Evolve" look :)

Weapon Paint/Detailing

Finally (for wing unit at least) I added some 0.7 mm Steel balls on the wing (near the spur marks) for some added fun.
Weapon Paint/Detailing
I did two simple brush paitings for the gaint sword unit.
1. Applied silver on the blade
2. Applied white highlights on the beam saber.
I noticed some obvious details were missing from the original kits weapon system so I used Metal Detail kit ER + SC from Gunpla Temple (purchased from at the location (red circle).
Really love your metal parts detailing!
The jewel connectors, are they expensive? I'm thinking of using one too.
Adding you to my blogroll ^_^
Um sorry I saw the price of each metal parts already >.<
Where did you buy them? I really want to try those.
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