Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Strike Freedom Gundam Repaint (Update 03)


Here is the latest Strike Freedom Gundam Repaint.
I have finished painting the SFG but needed to resolve one issue. Check out the pictures below.
Notice anything?

As you can see above, it turned out way too "glossy". Since I want my gundams to look like they been through some battles, I needed to turn this "glossy" look to "flat" look. Again, I used "Krylon" Matte Finish to seal and "flatten" the "glossy" looks.

Here are the results.

Below are the parts that were repainted.

Now, here are some current progress photos. I will add panel line, decal/stickers, weathering, and detailing.....(wow I still got a lot to do)

Thanks and Enjoy!


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