Thursday, November 27, 2008

MG Turn A Gundam


I’ve been real busy lately and preparing to move (In JAN 09).
Anyways, my next project (although it was too simple to be called “Project”), was MG Turn A Gundam.


It is not my favorite Gundam Series and I've never intent to buy the kit until now. However, I am planning on building “1/72 Bandai VF-25 kit series” from “Macross Frontier” in near future and needed to do some more practice on panel line filling.....Ergo, "most panel line rich" MG Gundam kit ever made, I present Turn A Gundam!!

About the Kit

Once again, detailed model kit review can be found at so I won't go in to that. I do, however, want to mention that this is a "beautiful" kit. The impression I had for this mobil suit changed 180 degree after completion. This kit embrace both rigidness of sci-fi mecha and curvatures/fluidity of animation mecha. Simply put, this looks like it literally jumped out of the animation.


Now, after all that praise, does this kit lack any fault? Well, far from it. Check out the stright build pictures from

As you can see, the stright build of this model kit looks a lot different from the finished model by other builders and/or concept arts that you may find on the internet. The main reason is that this kit has massive amount of panel lines that must be filled in in order to achieve its "authentic" looks. and... there are many many many panel lines to be filled (Great practice for those who wish to get some nice/tricky/advance panel line fillings).
Another reason for its very "toy-like" apperance is due to bandai's glossy finishing of the kit. Please review see the spur (runner) shots below for reference.

I did two things to remedy the looks.
1. Filled in the panel lines (well, obviously). I like to fill in the panel lines stright on to the parts while these are still on the runners. This way I can ensure ALL panel lines are filled and don't have to worry about having to take the model apart to fill in the panel lines.
2. I used the same technique I used for my MG Destiny Gundam project to attain the model's very subdued/none glossy/plastic-like look.

Here are some close-up shots

See the shield looks like the surface of egg shell now (instead of shiny plactic cover) NICE~
I decided not to apply any decal for this model because it is just that pretty without any addtional detailing. Enjoy!!

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